Health Protocols
At Wethersfield Estate & Garden, the health and safety of all our visitors is our primary concern. For this reason, we are carefully watching the CDC dashboard for any recommendations regarding various communicable diseases. We are committed to complying with all public health regulations as directed by NYS or the CDC. We thank you for your anticipated understanding.
Tick-Borne Illness Prevention
Deer ticks are common in Dutchess County and can cause potentially serious illnesses, including Lyme Disease, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Ehrlichiosis, among others. Tick-Borne illness is most likely to occur in early spring and summer. For this reason, we at Wethersfield suggest that visitors to the Wethersfield Garden and/or the woodland trails take necessary precautions to prevent exposure to illness.
• Make use of a repellent with DEET, permethrin, or Picaridin.
• Wear light-toned protective clothing, so that a tick is more visible.
• Tuck pant legs into socks to create a cohesive barrier.
• Strategize about entering tick-infested areas and make plans to mitigate risk shortly thereafter.
• Check yourself for ticks, as well as any children or pets who accompanied you.
Covid-19 Prevention
- Wethersfield remains mask-friendly.
- Anyone who would like a mask is welcome to request one at the welcome gate free of charge.
- We are happy to assist, to the best of our ability, in working to support social distancing by those who wish to continue this practice.
- We respectfully ask that visitors who are not fully vaccinated/boosted wear a mask while visiting interior spaces.
- Those wishing to visit the Main House, may, depending upon whether a residency is in progress, be required to show proof of vaccination and/or wear a mask. Please understand that we remain committed to taking all measures to ensure the health and safety of everyone living and working on-site. In addition, circumstances may present which require that we temporarily suspend house tours.
- We express gratitude for your patience in this regard.
- Kindly assist us in maintaining clean public restrooms by wiping down surfaces after having used them.
- Please notify a member of staff if disinfectant soap or other necessities should be restocked.